It was on 21 November 2021. By Zoom.
There were four major thematic areas: Asceticism, Productions, School Process and Actions towards the World.
Registration exceeded 600 participants. Teachers from several continents and many countries met to exchange in 38 rooms with specific topics and others of free subjects.
For several months the Masters were registering and suggesting the topics to be exchanged as well as asking for specific rooms. Thus a wide and diverse list of topics was formed that integrated a variety of suggestions. This supported the consolidation of exchange groups that were already meeting, and allowed the formation of new groups between Masters from multiple parts of the world.
The website that was referenced for the World Meeting, www.silo.ws, will soon host tools for a community of users (Masters) to interact, group, collaborate, publish, etc.
Archive: in the menu “World Meeting” you can access the presentation of this milestone and the agenda of the First World Meeting in PDF format.
Photos: Below we share a gallery of images captured during the Encounter: