First World Gathering of The School’s Masters

November 21, 2021. Using Zoom.

Thematic areas of the gathering:

Productions · Ascesis · Process of The School · Actions towards the world

In 2021, we will celebrate the first global encounter. An opportunity to meet again and to get to know Master’s from other parts of the world.
To find out about the diverse projects under development. To mutually find encouragement in School’s Productions. To convene ourselves on deepening of Ascesis. To also talk about the actions of the Masters towards the world. To watch over the continuity and development of the School.

Origins of this First Gathering

In the last few years, masters from various parks around the world began to express their desire to have a global environment of exchange, in addition to the spaces of the parks to which they were applied. A global scope of parity, diversity, horizontality, in a climate of kindness, respect and friendship.

“… Regarding the conversations about the autonomy of each park, Loredana comments:
To me it seems to me a very interesting image that frames well the moment where we are going; it would seem that autonomy leaves a separation but it is not so, because there is a connection and there could also be meetings of the School, sort of Councils, where there would be ideas exchange, etc. Thus one would be with the co-presence of the S., that makes me understand more the moment of decentralization. There could be moments where an answer given together is needed. These could be every 1 year or 10 years, this will be seen.
Negro: The Buddhists did it, they were connecting with each other and decided when this moment would be. By doing that they made a very important growth. …”
(Excerpt: School Minutes 2006-2010 p. 121)

As we reviewed the acts and got ressonace with that paragraph, various concerns and new virtual meetings arose, which gradually took shape and added participants.

We are happy to announce that the First World Meeting already has a date: it will be held on November 21, 2021, through the Zoom application.

A First World Gathering, without formalities, with only a small number of topics. One day only, a few hours, multi-language, open to all Master’s who would like to partake.

The milestone encounter is already moving forward. From many places, contributors, technicians, interpreters, and diffusors of this idea within their own local ambits have been assembling and joining.

Whoever wishes to contribute, provide suggestions, or just wants to be updated on the news, can request it using the contact means provided.

Welcome all!